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Friday, February 19, 2010

Verb Pattern : Group 5

Patterns of exclamatory Sentences:
(a)What (+Adjective+) Noun (Subject+verb)
What a charming girl (she is)!
What a lovely garden (it is)!
What a good idea!
What a fool you are!
What a terrible noise!
What a (large) nose He has!
What beautiful music They are playing!
What a pity!

(b)How + Adjective/adverb +Subject +verb
How charming she is!
How lovely the garden is!
How clever you are!
How sweet the song is!
How tall you have grown!
How well she dances!
How quickly the holiday has passed!

Subject + verb + Noun/pronoun + adjective

The boy pushed the door open.
The smith beat it flat.
She washed the plates clean.
The thief broke the safe open.
He turned the lamp low.
You have made the shirt dirty.
I like my coffee strong.
We found the trunk empty.

In first six examples, the adjective denotes a state that results from the action expressed by the verb.In the last two examples the noun and the adjective combine to be the object of the verb.
Verbs used in this pattern include: get, keep,beat,drive,make, paint,leave,turn, find, like wish.

It + be + no good etc. + gerundial Phrase

It is no good asking him for help.
It was no good talking to her.
It's no use worrying about it.
It is worth seeing the film.
It was worthwhile seeing the exhibition.
It is amusing watching monkeys.
It has been a pleasure meeting you.

Subject + verb +noun/ pronoun +present participle

I saw him crossing the bridge.
We smell somthing burning.
We noticed the boy walking down the street.
She caught him opening your letters.
They found him playing cards.
She kept the fire burning.
- (please)start the clock going.

The verb in this pattern include: see, hear,smell,feel, watch, notice,find,observe,listen,get,catch,keep,leave,set, start.

5.Subject + verb +Noun/pronoun +plain-------

I saw him go out.
She watched him steal the watch.
We heard her sing.
The thief felt someone touch his arm.
---- Let me go.
We made Tom behave well.
He bade them leave the house.

Subject + verb + interrogative + to-infinitive etc.

I don't know how to do it.
I wonder where to spend the weekend.
She knows how to drive a car.
He forgot when to turn.
Tom couldn't decide what to do next.
We must find out where to put it.
-- Remember how to do it.

The common verbs used in this pattern are: know, understand,wonder,remember,forget,decide,settle,find out,enquire,see,explain,guess,learn, consider.

Subject +verb+Noun/ pronoun +interrogative + to infinitive etc.
I shall show you how to operate it.
He has taught me how to play chess.
They informed us where to turn off the road.
-- (please) advise me what to do.
-- (please) tell us how to get there.
We asked him where to get tickets.

The chief verbs used in this pattern are those illustrated in the table.

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